Coconut Grove Real Estate - Seller information

Most sellers want to sell for as much as possible, and once on the market as quickly as possible. You are probably no different. You want to move on to your next place, and that is what I can help you achieve.

The first step is to know what homes are selling for in your area. To get a general idea of Coconut Grove Real Estate sold in your subdivision or building, contact me. To properly assess the value of your property and the selling/buying market, I can be your property consultant to help you. To sell your home, I will need to execute a marketing & process plan composed of:

(a) Effective pricing strategy
(b) Property preparation
(c) Complete promotion plan
(d) Excellent negotiation skills
(e) Understanding the steps involved in getting to the settlement table

To get a detailed understanding of your property, Miguel will review relevant area competition and how homes have recently sold. This will help define the pricing & promotion plan to get your property sold.

Miguel is a designated Certified Residential Specialist (CRS®), who has completed advanced courses and demonstrated professional expertise in the field of residential real estate. Fewer than 3% of realtors nationwide have earned this prestigious credential and is known as the highest standard for professional residential real estate.

When you plan to sell your property is when you need to Contact Miguel, and Miguel will help you prepare your property for maximum economic benefit to you to get it sold fast! Miguel is a consistent top producer in his office, helping clients sell and buy real estate. Miguel can help you prepare, promote, negotiate and walk you through the needed steps to get your property SOLD!